I am deeply touched after reading the following mail circulated in one of the Yahoo groups i am subscribed to. The person is doing MS in UIUC after finishing his Btech from IITK.
Dear brothers and sisters,
today whatever I am writing , comes straight from my heart.
I am a 24-year old person now (born on 15th August 1982) : I am sharing my feelings with you, which I have been having since I became a teenager and started understanding the society's problems.
Even since, I have grown into a teenager, i started seeing child-labour (in Bihar). Whenever I saw any child working in a restaurant, I felt, as if I myself was working in place of him and I felt as bad as any person can feel. In Ranchi, when I went to study at DAV Shyamali, I saw little children picking some things from garbage for livelihood. I saw little children begging at railway station. I saw my people being reduced to skeletons due to poverty and malnutrition : since early teenage my tender heart has been crying and weeping profusely over the tower of misery that is resting so heavily on weak chests of my people, on weak chests of my beloved brothers and sisters, alas, on weak chests of my own crores of sons and daughters. How can I express what I have been feeling in words to anyone ?
How many tears are left in the destiny of our people ?
1 lakh farmers died by committing suicide in India since 1990 due to wretched poverty: I feel , I myself have died in their forms 1 lakh times. I feel, I myself have become widow and orphan 1 lakh times. I feel, I myself am working as a child labour in form of 5 crore children. I feel, my childhood is getting crushed brutally in the form of those crores of children in India and Africa just due to the demon of poverty. I feel, I m starving in the form of crores of people in this world. I feel, my children , my crores of sons and daughters are child-labour, unable to get education, unable to get equal opportunity. I feel, that I am butchered in butcher-houses million times daily in the form of animals to satisfy the petty pleasures of palate of non-vegetarian people.
Even since I have come to USA and I saw her state of material development, I am weeping about deprivations, starvations and privations of our people. Osho said, "Spiritual poverty is the greatest disease of mankind and material poverty is much weaker disease than this, yet, only after material poverty is removed, mankind will be able to deal with spiritual poverty. " Gandhi Ji said, "The world has everything to satisfy everyone's need but not everyone's greed." - what a shame that mankind is still suffering from such 100% avoidable problems like poverty and child-labour, only and only because of our greed and inhuman apathy to the misery of our fellow-brethren. When will this shame be wiped out ? How many Swami Vivekanandas and Gandhis we need before we understand that removing the poverty and child-labour is our moral responsibility ? How many more centuries will pass with such agonising privations, injustice and starvations of unfortunate millions ? When will we wake up fr!
our deep slumber of selfishness and cowardice ? Where are those pure, selfless youths, whom Swami Vivekananda was finding ? Even such great soul did not find such youths - is it not a shame for us that such great souls came to awaken us and we could not support him in his mission due to our apathy and cruelty ? In the last phase of his life, Swami Vivekananda said, "I was expecting to find many selfless youths, but now it seems, our society is not prepared for true sacrifices." - we failed Swami Ji due to our wretched selfishness and moral weakness. Gandhi Ji gave everything for us and even he was failed by Congress : please read this link to see, how Congress indulged in shameless corruption after coming to power even when more than 80% of our people were below poverty line and even when we did not win freedom and just after freedom in the presence of such a pure soul like Gandhi Ji : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BM_fulltime/message/1082 .
Just like Swami Ji, we failed Gandhi Ji also. since last 2-3 weeks, due to spiritual reasons, I have started water-fast on Mondays and Thursdays per week for whole life ; today also I am on such fast. On every fast-day, my heart cries bitterly, because I know, crores are hungry not due to spiritual reasons but because we have fully and shamelessly followed the path of greed rather than the path of need . I don't suffer from hunger and suffering on fast because it is voluntary , done consciously and using Kumbhak (breath-retention), I am able to draw up sufficient pranic energy . But, millions have been made to fast and starve due to our shameless moral and mental weaknesses. Alas! when we will become true patriots, true humans rather than pseudo-patriots and pseudo-compassionate people that we are ?
More than 1 lakh students graduated from IITs, more than thousands from IIM, thousands of doctors and advocates have been reared at the cost of our hungry, starving millions ? Did they not find poverty and child-labour (which was too high even when they were students) a heartache : Mission like Bharat Uday Mission, BM ( http://www.bharatudaymission.org ) should have been founded at least in 1970s ; we are so late. Why did even one soul not venture to fight for so long ? Please don't put up examples of NGOs - it takes no intelligence to understand that due to such a shameless political corruption and due to lack of sufficient manpower and finances, NGOs can never solve the problems of poverty and child-labour which runs into the magnitudes of crores : even the Director of Gates and Millinda Foundation started by Bill Gates and which is the largest NGO in this world with 20+ billion dollar funds, Senior Gates (father of Bill Gates) clearly said (i read his interview in Hindu b!
ore starting BM and his quotes surely influenced my decision to start a political party which will also serve the masses through social work , rather than starting an NGO) : "W are handicapped in solving the problems of poverty and diseases due to lack of adequate finances and manpower. At most, we can give a working prototypes, which must be emulated by respective governments on large scale for solving these problems." - how could I have expected the likes of Laloo and Mulayam, my brothers and sisters to emulate such prototypes for wiping our poverty and child-labour : out of compulsion clearly outlined in above quotes and pure compassion, my mind conceived a political party despite the fact that before BM , the idea of entering politics never crossed my mind even once and that I had and even now have a 100% non-political mind and heart. My heart expressed itself into Bharat Uday Mission in October 2004 when i was of 22 years age : many of you are much older than me; I ask!
ou this inconvenient question today : why did you not think of such a mission ? There is no intelligence required to think of such a mission, only a true agony of heart ? It would have been much better, if younger people would have joined an existing BM, founded in 1994 by one of our elder brothers in this group, rather than one founded in 2004 : I hold you responsible for wasting 10 years of the nation and request you to introspect what moral and mental weaknesses made you waste 10 years of this nation and humanity by waiting for a puny being like me to start this Mission in 2004 ? I am not proud of this fact that I started BM, rather I am 200% ashamed of this fact, because such a mission was required decades ago and my elders (be they in 30s, 40s, 50s,60s, 70s and 80s now) fully failed in fulfilling their Dharma by not starting this mission themselves. 10 years is not a small time : lakhs of our children lost opportunities for education, thousands already died due to starv!
ions. Please search you heart on this question for the sake of society and humanity. And I would clearly say, after I really join BM fulltime in Dec 2008, all those who are elder to me in age, must stop considering themselves as "patriots" or truly compassionate souls, till they also follow my example and join the Mission fulltime. I don't want to be the first fulltimer; again, i must reiterate this : I would be fully ashamed of becoming the first fulltimer of the Mission when so many patriotic brothers/sisters , who are elder to me, are present in this group and I earnestly pray to God that hundreds and thousands sacrifice their careers to join the Mission fulltime even before I do in Dec 2008 and the same happens after Dec 2008 also.
When I came to USA, I had planned to join BM fulltime after doing job so that I may give 20 lakhs to my family to help them financially. But, now, I will join the Mission fulltime after finishing Masters (December 2008) : I still need to give some money as my last duty to the family and I do believe that only after student life is over, one should plunge into public life fulltime : this consciousness of "family responsibilities" hindering social responsibilities and "full willingness to die for the society" made me reject marriage for myself when I first understood its meaning as a child. And this is my firm pledge that as long as I see so much material poverty of the masses and inhuman indifference of the intelligentsia towards their agonies, I will propagate the notion of "lifelong bachelor celibacy" among all bachelor youths of the nation and the world so that the present inhuman tilt of scales on the side of "cowardice and cold indifference of the intelligentsia" can be!
hanged by "total renunciation" of the bravest and truly compassionate souls.
Today, I am not only expressing my feelings, I am asking you all to make sacrifices : i must ask you today -
1. Simply stop drinking coca-cola and other petty fast-food stuffs like Dominno Pizza and Macdonald Burger : they have wiped out the earnings of crores of our poor food-vendor brothers . Everytime, you have the impulse of indulging in such snacks, ask yourself the question: whom are you helping by this lack of palate-control and compassion? You are helping the likes of Sachin , Amitabha Bacchan , who are already rolling in wealth and indulgences that insanity of material riches bring upon a worldly man. Are you helping even your own health. All these fast foods only give us constipation , gastric and other health problems: cold-drinks are full of poison, so much acidic (ph 3-4 as far as I can recall) that one can use them to clean toilets. Yet we cling to them; i would never have asked you with such inner convictions to give up them for health reasons , but because of the fully clear moral reasons, that we are kicking at already starving stomachs of the poorest sect!
ns of the society by not eating fresh fruits and fruit juices rather than these petty stuffs ? Don't find any so-called economic excuses to justify such eating-habit : law of demand and supply is very very clear; It may be another reason, if you don't want to follow this due to lack of compassion and/or palate-control. I also ask you to always keep in your mind the interests of the poorest sections of the society as the foremost considerations (I gave example only in case of cold-drinks and fast-food, but you must try to follow this basic philosophy everytime as per your common sense) whenever u buy anything ? always. Enough of this wretched poverty , enough of this child-labour, enough of this shameless apathy, enough of sense-indulgences. Now, wake up , if you are a true patriot and a true human being.
2. I ask you to join BM fulltime in the least possible time ; by all means fulfill your education, as they will surely make you more effective in fighting the ills of the mankind in the long-run, but after completing your education, fulfill your responsibilities to the blood-family to the minimum possible extent. if you are a bachelor, for God's sake, please don't enter married life: you will waste few more years in earning money for spouse and children and will have a very very tough time in convincing "so-called life-partner" for willingly allowing you to join the Mission fulltime: start practising Sirshanana, Mula bandha, Maha Bandha and Siddhasana and consider every person of opposite gender as your own mother/sister or father/brother : few years ago when I joined B. Tech Computer Science at IIT Kanpur in 2002, I was also suffering from lust so much that I was frustrated that i will have to suffer mental torture whole life to follow the childhood vow of "lifelong bache!
r celibacy" , but after practising these techniques, I feel celibacy as natural and easy as breathing air. And the same will happen to you also, believe me. if you have such spirit of giving whole life to the Mission, please join BM_fulltime ( the group meant for all those who pledged to join the Mission fulltime in future ) here :
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/bm_fulltime/ - this will always remind you of your resolve and give you courage and determination to follow the compassionate heart within rather than to foolishly try to satisfy obviously insatiable lust, greed and worldly expectations of blood-family. I did not even ask my blood-family to give me permission for joining the Mission fulltime, I simply told them 2 days ago on phone, "I will not do any job and join the Mission fulltime after finishing Masters." - they want me to earn lakhs for their 2 sons and 3 daughters without understanding that a father and mother in me , has crores of sons and daughters suffering from such indignities: begging at railway station - just think of it. Own own son is begging , shame on our fatherhood and motherhood. Our own children are working in restaurant - shame on us! Our own children are looking for eatables in the garbage place of city - shame and shame on us. Our own mothers living in the chilly winter !
the ground in miserable hovels near roadside - shame on our sonhood and daughterhood . If our blood-parents are not able to understand our emotions, it is their problem, it will never deter us from following our social consciousness without any dilution or compromise whatsoever - Subhas Chandra Bose's father also did not understand his feelings for his countrymen, but it did not deter him from giving up ICS job and joining the freedom-struggle at the age of just 23 years , leaving his ICS-training mid-way because his people were brutally masscared in Jallianwalla bagh Massacre : think of his greatness, his love for the nation just at the age of 23 years. Why should we worry about whether our parents/spouses will be happy or unhappy if we join BM fulltime ? Do we have only one parent, do we have only one mother or father : NO, we have crores of mothers, we have crores of fathers. Bhagat Singh became a martyr just at the age of 23 : if you feel that he was a nationalist wi!
out compassion , read his "Mein Nastik Kyun Hun" (Why am I an atheist ?) and then you will realise, what a compassionate heart he had. If Bhagat Singh, Subhas Chandra Bose, did not bother about wishes of parents and did what they conscience and needs of the nation asked them to do, we also must follow in their foot-steps, else we must stop feeling or calling ourselves a patriot or a compassionate human. Like my childhool role-models Bhagat Singh and Subhas Chandra Bose, I will do total renunciation for my people, and I will ask nothing less from all of my countrymen and women, irrespective of whether my calling reaches their hearts or not. I am not asking to struggle for political success or for becoming MLA/MP/Ministers, but to struggle for wiping the tears of our people whose hundreds of generation have been starving and suffering since millenia . Be a man : what can we you loose, at most some criminal-minded politician will ensure our assassination ; what of that ? Is it!
ot a fact that our body died the day it was born ; just that we are dying moment by moment, moving steadily towards final death of our body. Burn your body mentally today and be done away with all the fear and unmanliness that foolish attachment to this perishable body brings to us. Proclaim that "I am immortal, deathless, birthless, bodiless spirit and I will not fear even the Lord of Death , on the path of my Dharma towards my people." - be brave onto death - march on bravely, my patriotic brothers and sisters! let us burn our selfishness and cowardice in toto to bring light in our own dark lives of greed, lust , cowardice and emotional coldness and in the dark lives of our crores of unfortunate people.
3. I am asking you for a third thing : pick one day of the week and do fast on that day whole life: violate it only in case of serious emergencies Fast is really good for health and by fasting for 1 day a week, you will loose nothing - do breath-retention in the following manner for 20 min in evening, 20 min in the afternoon and 20 min in the evening (in place of meals) - you will draw enough pranic energy from cosmos to feel any weakness or hunger - I am telling you from personal experience, believe me.
Technique is : inhale the breath deeply, press the chin against the chest (called Jalandhar Bandha) and retain your breath as much as you are comfortable with. Then, straighen up the head and exhale fully. This is one round. Repeat it now as many times as you want. If you feel lack of breath after few rounds, stop it and do normal breathing for few minutes, and restart the practice : do it as your meal on fast-day : you get pranic energy from meal, on fasting-day u will get it directly from Cosmic Source, and will feel more energetic than even normal day.
Why am I asking you to do this ? for sake of health! No, my dear brothers and sister, there is a completely selfless, pure purpose, listen to it with all the purity and compassion in your heart: there are 52 weeks in a year. By fasting for 52 days on a week, you will save money (assuming Rs. 10 per day's meal) of at least Rs. 500 in one year : contribute them to any good NGO (whether they are working in African countries or India ) or BM for wiping out poverty and child-labour in this world . Do this moral penance : it will give you lots of good health and mental peace, you will become a pure soul and greatly augment your will-power and compassion, becoming thereby a truly noble soldier of the humanity. But, my main concern as usual is :do it as your dharma for our unprivileged sections of the "universal family" and do it till you are alive : take this vow today and start fasting from this week itself.
If 1 crore Indians do it as a dharma towards the poor brethren, we will be contributing Rs. 500 crores every year directly for their upliftment : think of it and wake up the true human being inside you by following this advice, instead of getting satisfied with only hollow words of compassion and nationalism. And I must say with the fullest force of my inner conviction to all of you, whether this world considers this suggestion as one born out of a lunatic mind of an eccentric fellow or one born out of a heart, burning with true compassion, whether you support me or ridicule me on this, I will propound it to one and all just like "fulltime bachelor celibacy" till I keep on seeing this wretched poverty and child-labour in any part of this world.
4. I am asking you for a fourth thing: always buy simply water on railway station instead of mineral water bottle, which costs around Rs. 10 per litre (same as cost of milk in rural areas) : all the money, you spend on buying the mineral water is pure waste of money - you gain nothing healthwise by buying mineral water instead of railway-station water: Your brain has just been brainwashed by advertisement of multinationals, who sell these mineral water bottles and you follow their idiotic brainwashing without considering that "Gandhi Ji travelled so extensively in India on railways whole life: he never drank any mineral water: when did he ever fall sick by drinking water of railways station. NEVER!" , if he did not, why you and I will do : wake up from self-delusion and foolishness and follow this advice just after you read this. Do mental calculation how many bottles of mineral water, you buy on an average everytime you travel by rail. Multiply that by Rs. 10 and offer it !
the humble service of the poorest section of the society by contributing to any good NGO or BM by adding up such amount everytime you travel by rail: follow this advice, till you exist , else never never call yourself a compassionate person : always remember, honest admittance of one's impurity is infinitely better than shameless dishonesty and hypocrisy.
let us wipe out these horrible , 200% avoidable diseases of mankind, poverty and child-labour in our own lifetime. Once again, i will propound all above things as long as I exist and poverty and child-labour also exists in this world and I will keep on adding this list of "Things to do for a truly compassionate soul" as and when my hearts picks a thought, which will help in wiping out the poverty and child-labour in this world. I will short list them below now:
I am listing "things to do for a truly compassionate person" discovered by my heart so far -
1. fight till last breath to cleanse the social system and politics thoroughly by working fulltime for Bharat Uday Mission - to save time, escape marriage in case you are a bachelor : follow yoga techniques to get established in mental and physical celibacy.
2. Stop buying cold-drinks and fast food till you are alive and poverty & child-labour are also alive in any part of this world: offer resultant savings of avoiding mineral waters after you finish your rail-journey to any good NGO or BM .
3. Fast once a day every week till you are alive and poverty & child-labour are also alive in any part of this world and offer the resultant savings of Rs. 500+ per year to any good NGO or BM (NGO may be working in other countries also : after all, whole world is our family - entire mankind is one , my brothers and sisters) .
4. Everytime you buy anything, ask your heart : will it help my unprivileged brothren in overcoming their fully avoidable sufferings, their starvation and their privations and then follow the inner voice in choosing what you should buy ?
5. Be fearless : only cowards fear. Be done away with all fears and hesitations for ever. Worry not what you will get on the path of optimum selfless service to mankind : Jesus was killed mercilessly at Cross for standing up to his convictions , Socrates was killed by giving poison : a foolish mind during their life-times must have said "Jesus and Socrates failed." - but now, when we see the result of sacrifices of Jesus and Socrates, it must be clear to us that saving the soul, the consicence even by embracing the death infinitely serves the mankind rather than selling our conscience through immoral, "so-called practical" compromises .
this is my final, irreversible vow that I will join BM fulltime in Dec 2008 ; I may be even killed after few years or may live long to serve the cause; what of that. Friends today I must tell you this very clearly; I accepted the possibility of martyrdom on the path of service to my people with full joy and the clearest possible convictions, when I was a child of just 7-8 years, studying in class 1-2 then and this joyous willingless to embrace death, if that has to be the fate, on the path of service to my people, made me totally reject "marriage for myself" for ever when I was hardly 11-12 years old . I want you all to be eqaully fearless : let us not fear bullets, let us not fear failure, let us not fear the ridicule of our worldly brethren, let us not fear jails and lathis, let us not fear the fear itself : I belong to Bihar and all good Mukhiya/Sarpanch or good candidates for that in my district, Begusarai, have been killed in last 5 years: no honest person there sta!
s in MLA and MP election due to fear of this murderous violence, yet, BM's vision was born in the heart of such a person. Not only that, I m 100% sure since the first day of BM, that dying at the hand of my ignorant, criminal-minded politician brother will be my final fate. But, where do I feel any cowardice and fear in me my dear comrades, my brave brothers and sisters ? After all, what is that patriotism and compassion, which can be cowed down by any fear, be it even of a brutal murder. I ask all of you to develop the same fearlessness, come with me. I will willingly die first for the Mission and when I leave, you have to pick the flag of that natioanlism and compassion, which is burning in the form of a great fire of Bharat Uday Mission. One soldier will fell dead, the other will pick up this flag of true nationalism and compassion ; through our highest possible degree of service and personal sacrifices we will bring light to our people, will wipe their tears comp!
tely; we will sanctify not only India, but the whole world by our sweat and blood.
Without any hesitation, I earnestly pray to God to give BM thoudands of fully fearless, compassionate fulltimers and I pray that before, i myself join BM fulltime in Dec 2008, we find thousands already as fulltimers in this Mission, nonetheless I must declare , even if none of us will give life to this cause, I will give my life alone and will leave this world only with prayer and blessing for entire mankind. I would again request all of you, who are elders to me in age: never allow me to be the first fulltimer, that will be purely a moral defeat of this cause and a matter of disgrace for you: join BM fulltime before me , before Dec 2008 and save me and the mission from a great shame and disgrace , which my being first fulltimer at the age of 25 despite presence of much elder patriotic brothers and sisters in BM, will bring to this grand cause: please save BM from this shame by sacrifing your career before I do so in Dec 2008.
To everyone, I would again say; please search ur heart and if you heart resonates fully with the feelings expressed in this mail, join BM fulltime in future after completing your education and fulfilling your minimal possible responsibilities towards blood-family : as a testimony, please join BM_fulltime grp here
This is my last request to all of us again: you must follow all the suggestions in this mail and propagate to one and all till we exist or poverty and child-labour exist in any part of this world. You must also forward this mail to everyone in your contact-list in all your mail ids and to all your yahoo-groups, google-group, other online mailing-list, orkut-forums and other online forums, requesting them to do the same , irrespective of whether they have any compassionate feeling or not, and start a lifelong movements on the lines of above suggestions. I also request dedicated soldiers of the Mission in all chapters to propagate these ideas among one and all and if they have the true spirit of compassion and nationalism, they must launch a lifelong, ceaseless public awareness campaign against cold-drinks, fast-food and mineral water just after reading this mail: is not only my earnest request, but also my sincerest prayer to you; please do so for the sake of humanity, for th!
e !
sake of starving millions, for the sake of our unfortunate, poor people.
Vande Matram,
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Visiting Lonavala and Kandala
If you want to visit Lonavala, Kandala, just read this blog before your travel. The info you find might be handy for you!!!
Recently I visited Lonavala and Kandala near Pune with my friend Subbu for time pass! Frankly speaking you should visit those places only for time pass and nothing else. You really enjoy those places if go there without much expectations. Lonavala is just 60-70kms away from Pune and it takes just 1.5 hrs in local train. It is the cheapest and best way to go there (just 13/- per head from pune). With the help of a local expert there (whom we found luckily near the Lonavala stn), we bargained an auto for Lonavala and Kandala trip for just 300/- Don't believe in the autowallahs near the station. They are there just to cheat you. Just get out of the station and walk towards the main road and you may find some good honest autowallah if you r lucky.
The 300/- package included TATA power project dam (called *wallah dam), Bushy dam (the beauty of these two dams is they are not built on any river!! the water you find there is pure natural rain water!!!), Some lake, (then lunch in Lonavala at ur xpenses), then Kandala places- Monkey point, Duke's nose, Sunset point (all these places are just almost on the same spot). Autowalla drops you there and takes rest till sunset!! The best time to go there is near sunset time so that you can be lucky spectator of a beautiful sunset near that sunset point.
There is some Lohagad fort near Lonavala. You have to get down one station (called aawla station (??) before the Lonavala station (when you are coming from pune) and walk to the fort.
Finally you can purchase Chikkis (Lonavala is famous for Maganlal chikkis). You can get Maganalal chikkis (from original makers) near the railway station itself. All other shops just distribute the same!! So always buy from the source!!
Ping me if you want more information about the place and the trip on the whole!!!
All the photos of my visit are available at picasa
I also visited Mumbai two days before and here are the photos.
Frankly speaking, if you are missing any spot in Lonavala, you are not going to miss anything!! (as per the opinion of the local expert I was talking about in the beginning of this blog!!)
From Lonavala_Kand... |
Recently I visited Lonavala and Kandala near Pune with my friend Subbu for time pass! Frankly speaking you should visit those places only for time pass and nothing else. You really enjoy those places if go there without much expectations. Lonavala is just 60-70kms away from Pune and it takes just 1.5 hrs in local train. It is the cheapest and best way to go there (just 13/- per head from pune). With the help of a local expert there (whom we found luckily near the Lonavala stn), we bargained an auto for Lonavala and Kandala trip for just 300/- Don't believe in the autowallahs near the station. They are there just to cheat you. Just get out of the station and walk towards the main road and you may find some good honest autowallah if you r lucky.
The 300/- package included TATA power project dam (called *wallah dam), Bushy dam (the beauty of these two dams is they are not built on any river!! the water you find there is pure natural rain water!!!), Some lake, (then lunch in Lonavala at ur xpenses), then Kandala places- Monkey point, Duke's nose, Sunset point (all these places are just almost on the same spot). Autowalla drops you there and takes rest till sunset!! The best time to go there is near sunset time so that you can be lucky spectator of a beautiful sunset near that sunset point.
There is some Lohagad fort near Lonavala. You have to get down one station (called aawla station (??) before the Lonavala station (when you are coming from pune) and walk to the fort.
Finally you can purchase Chikkis (Lonavala is famous for Maganlal chikkis). You can get Maganalal chikkis (from original makers) near the railway station itself. All other shops just distribute the same!! So always buy from the source!!
Ping me if you want more information about the place and the trip on the whole!!!
All the photos of my visit are available at picasa
I also visited Mumbai two days before and here are the photos.
Frankly speaking, if you are missing any spot in Lonavala, you are not going to miss anything!! (as per the opinion of the local expert I was talking about in the beginning of this blog!!)
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Now Brain Computer music interface
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Who is the BIGgest enemy to India?
Corruption, population, terrorism, poverty, politics,...? what is the biggest enemy to India? Yes..a complex question? but I have a simple answer.
the BIGgest enemy to the nation is the Governement itself: PM, all the ministers, MPs, MLAs, and the bearocrucy.
The PM is the first enemy to the nation as he is cheating himself and allowing some bastards, criminals into the cabinet. He is indirectly adding power to their criminal career! If you are helpless doing anything against them, you have to just quit the post and stop cheating your self!!
The ministers, MPs, MLAs, CMs do not have a second to think about the people and society. They are busy with their own agenda of earning crores and crores for their future generations. And the least said is the better about the bearocracy.
We have 550 MPs, 750+ MLAs, several hundred Ministers, couple of dozens of CMs. 550 MPs get 2crores per year means 1100crores means 5500 crores in their tenure time of 5 years. How many wonders one can produce with such a HUGE money?
During my free time, I used to think about what is the government's role in India's current growth rate or development/ I see a nominal or zero contribution. It is the individuals and individual organizations who are striving hard to show some global presence and contributing to the nation's growth. If there is some contribution from govt, it is by moving away from other's business!! It is like helping by not doing anything! See the telecom area. With so many problems from the people in govt, politicians, India is able to record 7-8% growth rate every year. It is equal to China's 15% growth rate i suppose.
I was very happy to see a freqency match with Guru Charan Das (ex. CEO of Proctar and Gamble) on the above issue. In his recent article in Eenadu, he claims that there is nothing govt doing for India's growth rate. He concludes that India's growth rate is purely because of individuals and that of China's is due to the governement! The govt is the actual catalyst for China's growth.
But time comes when Bharatha Bagya Vidhatha listens to the calls and worries of crores of hardworking and honest individuals (like me!!) and rescue the nation from the governement!!
the BIGgest enemy to the nation is the Governement itself: PM, all the ministers, MPs, MLAs, and the bearocrucy.
The PM is the first enemy to the nation as he is cheating himself and allowing some bastards, criminals into the cabinet. He is indirectly adding power to their criminal career! If you are helpless doing anything against them, you have to just quit the post and stop cheating your self!!
The ministers, MPs, MLAs, CMs do not have a second to think about the people and society. They are busy with their own agenda of earning crores and crores for their future generations. And the least said is the better about the bearocracy.
We have 550 MPs, 750+ MLAs, several hundred Ministers, couple of dozens of CMs. 550 MPs get 2crores per year means 1100crores means 5500 crores in their tenure time of 5 years. How many wonders one can produce with such a HUGE money?
During my free time, I used to think about what is the government's role in India's current growth rate or development/ I see a nominal or zero contribution. It is the individuals and individual organizations who are striving hard to show some global presence and contributing to the nation's growth. If there is some contribution from govt, it is by moving away from other's business!! It is like helping by not doing anything! See the telecom area. With so many problems from the people in govt, politicians, India is able to record 7-8% growth rate every year. It is equal to China's 15% growth rate i suppose.
I was very happy to see a freqency match with Guru Charan Das (ex. CEO of Proctar and Gamble) on the above issue. In his recent article in Eenadu, he claims that there is nothing govt doing for India's growth rate. He concludes that India's growth rate is purely because of individuals and that of China's is due to the governement! The govt is the actual catalyst for China's growth.
But time comes when Bharatha Bagya Vidhatha listens to the calls and worries of crores of hardworking and honest individuals (like me!!) and rescue the nation from the governement!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Brain-Comp Interface is no more a fiction!!
Brain Computer Interface is no more a Fiction story.
A research group at EPFL, Swiss shows a working demo!
To know how, watch the video!.
A research group at EPFL, Swiss shows a working demo!
To know how, watch the video!.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Thanks God! Afzal was not a "manchi congress karyakartha"!!
Afzal was the mastermind behind the attack on Indian Parliament. Seven innocent security personnel were dead in this attack. Afzal was sentenced to death by the supreme court.
Thanks God! YSR is not PM on India!!
Thanks God! Sindey is not the President of India!!
Thanks God! above all Afzal was not a manchi congress karyakartha (congress activist)!!
If it was so, Afzal would have been a free bird, enjoying one of the discos in NewDelhi and planning to attack elsewhere! Even Bin Laden would have been shown mercy!!!
I was lucky to see how the people in highest offices can make fun of the democracy and make it a big failure. Our honourable chief minister surpassed Mother Theresa in being kind-hearted and he can even challenge Jesus! Right after assuming the CM's office, this idiot took every step to free a murderer from his 10-year sentence, all because he was a close associate to the CM and above all, he was a manchi congress karyakartha!! That jungle Sindey didn't have time to even read the reports given by SP and collector which were identical even in commas and full stops!! Now the CM says that he didn't even read the reports given by SP and collector.
Ahaaa!! Kya scene hai!! as long as such idiots stay in CM position and as long as governors are no better than CM's attenders, such things happen.
Thanks God!! at least the judiciary is working fine.
Thanks God! Sindey is not the President of India!!
Thanks God! above all Afzal was not a manchi congress karyakartha (congress activist)!!
If it was so, Afzal would have been a free bird, enjoying one of the discos in NewDelhi and planning to attack elsewhere! Even Bin Laden would have been shown mercy!!!
I was lucky to see how the people in highest offices can make fun of the democracy and make it a big failure. Our honourable chief minister surpassed Mother Theresa in being kind-hearted and he can even challenge Jesus! Right after assuming the CM's office, this idiot took every step to free a murderer from his 10-year sentence, all because he was a close associate to the CM and above all, he was a manchi congress karyakartha!! That jungle Sindey didn't have time to even read the reports given by SP and collector which were identical even in commas and full stops!! Now the CM says that he didn't even read the reports given by SP and collector.
Ahaaa!! Kya scene hai!! as long as such idiots stay in CM position and as long as governors are no better than CM's attenders, such things happen.
Thanks God!! at least the judiciary is working fine.
Friday, October 13, 2006
In a true Gandhian way!
Just few days after I wrote my blog Lets us prove Einstein wrong, I was fortunate to see the following news in The Hindu. Its amazing to see soldiers executing Gandhian principles! Hats off to you all!!
The Hindu
AND1, 09-Oct-2006, Page : 020
In Lebanon, a Gandhian inspiration
Indian peacekeepers try to apply the Mahatma's teachings
IBL EL-SAQI (Lebanon): In south Lebanon, where Hezbollah militants fought with Israeli troops in July and August, India's U.N. peacekeepers draw inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi.
The 650-strong contingent, which maintained its positions throughout the 34-day conflict, has erected a bust of Gandhi in a square in the heart of the village of Ibl el-Saqi, where they maintain an immaculate garden.
Commanders of the Indian contingent, whose headquarters are in the village, say that the troops try to apply the Mahatma's teachings in their peacekeeping duties they have carried out in the area since 1998.
"Gandhi Park was based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, who tried to educate the people that through non-violent means one can resist and still win without firing a bullet, without slapping, without threatening anyone," Major Saurabh Pandey said.
"You must have a big smile on your face and try to win the hearts and minds of people. So you can say that Mahatma Gandhi's influence is there."
Maj. Pandey said the area's Shi'ite Muslim population remained in awe of the turbans he and fellow Sikh officers wore in the blue colours of the United Nations, even if they continued to believe they were a mark of Islamic learning rather than the Sikh religion.
"They don't know what a Sikh is, but they think that we are all sheikhs because of our turbans," the Major said. "They try to come close to us and then get a couple of pictures - 'Can I have a picture with the sheikh of India?'" - AFP
The Hindu
AND1, 09-Oct-2006, Page : 020
In Lebanon, a Gandhian inspiration
Indian peacekeepers try to apply the Mahatma's teachings
IBL EL-SAQI (Lebanon): In south Lebanon, where Hezbollah militants fought with Israeli troops in July and August, India's U.N. peacekeepers draw inspiration from Mahatma Gandhi.
The 650-strong contingent, which maintained its positions throughout the 34-day conflict, has erected a bust of Gandhi in a square in the heart of the village of Ibl el-Saqi, where they maintain an immaculate garden.
Commanders of the Indian contingent, whose headquarters are in the village, say that the troops try to apply the Mahatma's teachings in their peacekeeping duties they have carried out in the area since 1998.
"Gandhi Park was based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, who tried to educate the people that through non-violent means one can resist and still win without firing a bullet, without slapping, without threatening anyone," Major Saurabh Pandey said.
"You must have a big smile on your face and try to win the hearts and minds of people. So you can say that Mahatma Gandhi's influence is there."
Maj. Pandey said the area's Shi'ite Muslim population remained in awe of the turbans he and fellow Sikh officers wore in the blue colours of the United Nations, even if they continued to believe they were a mark of Islamic learning rather than the Sikh religion.
"They don't know what a Sikh is, but they think that we are all sheikhs because of our turbans," the Major said. "They try to come close to us and then get a couple of pictures - 'Can I have a picture with the sheikh of India?'" - AFP
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