I can confirmedly tell that he is not wrong this time too. On this October 2nd, the current generation has got a golden opp to prove that Einstein is not wrong. For them, Oct 2 is more a no-non-veg-and-no-liquor-day than birth day of the Father of the Nation. This Oct 2 was a coincidence with Vijaya Dasami festival and some sections can not survive without non-veg and liquor on a festive day. Their brains worked more accurately than ever: they purchased liquor the day before (as all liquor shops should be closed as per the law) or the shopwallas opened separate secret counters!! In my native place, they were even smarter. They exploited a hole in the law which bans selling meat but not the live chicks and birds! I don't say that eating meat is anyway related to following Gandhi's principles. If you act so smartly for those petty things and break the law, you are mis-respecting that Great Soul in one or the other form.
There are two very important things to be noted here: 1) Accept & believe in the power of Gandhism and appreciate this saint's efforts towards India's freedom 2) Follow the principles stated by Gandhism. The second one demands tonnes of courage and commitment from you, but you need only common sense and honest impartial observation for the first one. If you really do the first one, then only you can pass the Gandhian values (at least in theory) to younger generations, otherwise contribute to the masses that are busy with proving Einstein right.
What the masses that wont bother about (1) feel @ Gandhi? An interesting question. I see majority of them criticizing Gandhi and abusing Him with their limited knowledge and short mindedness. As this crowd is large in size, it does not take much time for those generations to come. In some form, those generations have already come! I often come across three arguments from such people 1) Non-violence is stupid 2) Freedom is delayed because of Gandhijee 3) He was in favour of muslims 4) anything else?
- One young colleague of mine (called Dumbu...ping me for his orkut profile) thinks that non violence is stupid. He goes to the extent of addressing Gandhijee with all irrespective wods he has in his dictionary. I wonder whether he ever put enough thought regd Is non-violence really stupid? Do we really achieve everything with violence? The answer is a BIG NO!! Non-violence is not something Gandhi designed in his room!! It is there for ages! We see its power in Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabhartha, Jesus History, ....What not? Non-violence is the power of poor. Even it seems that weak people can only follow non-violence, it needs some extraordinary thinking (yes! really) to realize that only strong (in fact, very strong) people can follow this path. What a beautiful and powerful message these words have an eye for eye can only make this world blind and achieve nothing more ..nothing less! Can the poor masses of India really dare enough to fight the all powerful British? 'No' right? They cant survive doing that. Gandhijee showed the power of non-violence first in Champaran of Bihar and again many times during freedom struggle. If you can't believe, ask Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela or Desmond Tutu. If you can't believe still, refer to Vidura Neethi of Mahabhagavatham. Vidura Neethi is one of the priceless gems of that great epic. Violence achieves nothing. What naxalites are doing for the past 50+ years? Nothing..they achieve nothing in next 10 power 6 years also!! Gandhism is the best solution to the problems in west Asia also, the conflict never ends if Hizbulla involves in guerilla attacks and Israel reacts. Gandhijee showed perfect God-like qualities in action. We could see what ever that existed in theory in all Vedas, Mahabharatha, Ramayana executed by this saint. Entire world was shocked to see a freedom fight without violence!!
- Was freedom really delayed because of Gandhijee? See! Foreigners' invasion of India started sometime in 1600s. Gandhijee came back to India from SouthAfrica in 1915. Nothing happened in these 315 years!! But what happened in next 32 years was a history!!! Even if we assume that there was some delay, does it really matter? For that simple reason alone, can we really zero all his great achievements?
- Hindus and Muslims are like two eyes to Indian society. Whether anybody agrees or not, India's development is purely dependent on development of both the communities. Gandhijee knows this better than anybody else. If one religion attacks the other, shall we ask them to take revenge or keep calm in true interests of the country? People with short-mindedness can never (really never) understand the greatness and vastness of Gandhi's views. This bad image to the great saint is all because of BJP, RSS and Bajarang Dal. These parties always claim lives of innocent muslims for the activities of some useless people from the same community. Yes, I agree that all terrorists in India are muslims, but can we say that all muslims are terrorists? But those parties can say that. Instead of killing many innocents in elsewhere in India, they can go to Jammu Kashmir and kill all islamic terrorists. Just look at the recent affairs. BJP celebrated Vandematarm's 100 year celebration (am i right?) like anything, just because there exists some controversy with muslims. Why they don't have same spirit to celebrate Sathagraha's 160 year celebrations? There is no controversy involved there which gets them some votes. Did they participate in Dandi March's 100 year celebrations? Gandhijee is a stronger devotee towards Lord Rama than all useless fellow of these parties who never leave a chance to cash on the Ayodhya issue.
Last words: Just observe Lord Krishna's message in BhagavthGeeta Anthyakaalecha maameva smaran mukthwa kalebaram.. (those who chant My name during last moments, they reach Me). No doubt Gandhijee merged with Lord SriRama, you might be knowing His final famous words Hey! Ram!! So becareful when you try to put some -ve comment on him!!
A Plea for Action: Whoever reads this blog, please involve in my movement to prove Einstein wrong. Our future generations desperately need Gandhian principles and his message. They need more than what our ancestors needed 100 years back!!
Hey Raam !!
It is the right time to start proving Einstein wrong...
Believe it or not, it is this single statement by Einstein that made me feel interested to know or read about gandhiji. Until I read this statement somewhere, I never felt interested to know about the greatness of gandhiji.As soon as I read this statement I stared reading Gandhiji's "My experiments with truths" and came to know about his greatness.
P.S: I am writing this comment with out completly reading ur post.
maama ... munnabhai effect aa ?
just joking.
post chaala bavundi. interesting views.
i agree with you.
Hi Ram,
The article is good.I agree with u. ofcourse..i know how gandhi sacrificed his life for freedom struggle. He was the ultimate spiritual person and perfect example of karma yoga. Coming to abusive comments abt gandhi, in the world, u can find people with positive and negative comments abt gandhiji. Even the same case for lord rama, krishana, etc. No doubt that it is lack of elevation in their mind, so nature will teach for everybody. It means today they may scold gandhiji but after some time again they will praise gandhi. This is how game(cosmic drama or life) goes...
Gandhiji...understands this game well thats y he became a top shadow in indian history.
Still i believe that to understand gandhian principles one shd know either spirituality or indian history for the past 2000 years, otherwise one's mind shd be elevated(highly matured).
Hey Ram!
Nice article... i like the way u narrated the truth... :)) :))
Keep posting such articles..
but carefull with some statements in point-3!
"Let us prove 'Einstein' wrong!" ???
Difficult but possible!
Nice article...keep it up.
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